Fredrick J. Ekeler
High School Graduation
Exeter, Nebraska
Married by Father John
May 8, 1944
EKELER - HOURIGAN Miss Frances Jeanne Hourigan and Fredrick Jerome Ekeler of Exeter were married at a Mass at St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Geneva, Nebraska, at 8:30, Monday morning, May 8, 1944. The ceremony was performed by Rev. John Ekeler of Crete, brother of the groom. Miss Mary Louise Koehler played the organ. The attendants were Miss Geraldine Hourigan, sister of the bride, and Leo Ekeler, brother of the groom. The bride wore a light blue suit with a gold hat. Her corsage was of white carnations, with a touch of pink. The groom wore a brown striped suit and had a white carnation boutonniere. The bridesmaid wore a light blue suit with an orchid hat. Her corsage was of white carnations with orchid and pink sweat peas. The best man wore a navy blue suit and a white carnation boutonniere. Father Gilroy of St. Joseph's Church, Geneva, the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Hourigan, the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ekeler, Sr., of Exeter, and seven of his brothers and families and Golie Swails and son John were in attendance, as was Miss Helen Geiger of Exeter. After the wedding, a three-course breakfast was served at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Hourigan. Mrs. Frank Hitch and Mrs. N. E. Thomas assisted with the breakfast and Miss Grace McGraw and Mrs. Alice Waltermade assisted with the serving. The bride is a graduate of the Geneva High School and the groom is a graduate of the Exeter High School. Mr. and Mrs. Ekeler left immediately after the breakfast for Omaha to spend a few days, after which the young couple will make their home in the Lester Joy property in the east part of Exeter. Mr. Ekeler was employed for a number of years at the Phelps Pharmacy and has recently become associated with the Debus bakery company with headquarters in Exeter. The Nebraska
Signal - Fillmore County News