Family of Henry M. and Marie D. (Ruhl) Ekeler
(50th Wedding Anniversary of Henry and Marie Ekeler)

Back Row (L to R): Dennis Anderson, Dean Due, Jim Anderson and Doug Anderson
Middle Row (L to R): Kathy Due, Marie Ekeler, Henry Ekeler and Agnes Anderson
Front Row (L to R): Jim Due, Darcee Due and Bob Due

June 1982




At eight o'clock on Tuesday morning, June 21st, St. Stephen's Catholic Church was the scene of a beautiful wedding, when Miss Marie Ruhl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allie Ruhl, became the bride of Mr. Henry Ekeler, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ekeler, Sr.

The bride wore a gown of peach-colored georgette, with hat and accessories to match. She carried a bridal bouquet.

Miss Teresa Ruhl, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. She wore a gown of yellow silk crepe, with hat and accessories to match. Joseph Ekeler was his brothers attendant.

The Nuptial High Mass was read by Rev. John Ekeler of Colon, brother of the groom.

During the services, Mrs. A. B. Becker, a cousin of the bride, sang Rosemary's Ave Maria.

Immediately after the ceremony, a wedding breakfast was prepared by Mrs. Peter Geiger and served by the Misses Genevieve and Helen Geiger, close friends of the bride, at the home of the bride's parents, to the immediate family. Peach and yellow were the color tones used in the decorations throughout. The center-piece for the table was a large wedding cake, beautifully decorated in peach and yellow.

Following the breakfast, the young couple left for a motor trip thru the west. Upon their return, they will begin housekeeping on the Woodworth farm, where the groom has been farming the past two years.

Mr. and Mrs. Ekeler have a large circle of relatives and friends. They both attended St. Stephen's School, and Mrs. Ekeler attended the Immaculate Conception Academy Hastings.

The News joins their friends in extending congratulations.

Fillmore County News
Exeter, Nebraska
June 23, 1932



Children of Henry & Marie (Ruhl) Ekeler

Agnes M. (Ekeler) Anderson | Kathleen A. (Ekeler) Due 


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