Biographical Sketch
Dr. Barkmeier served as Dean from 1994-2005 and 2009-2011 at Creighton University School of Dentistry. He also served as Assistant Dean for Research (1985-1991) and Associate Dean for Research (1991-1994). He has been extensively involved in biomaterials research and has conducted numerous clinical and laboratory evaluations on dental restorative materials. Dr. Barkmeier has authored over 250 articles in professional journals and has lectured throughout the world on dental materials and restorative procedures. Dr. Barkmeier has served as a member of the editorial/advisory boards of Operative Dentistry, Journal of Esthetic Dentistry, Military Medicine and the Dental Advisor. He also has served as an article review consultant for the Journal of the American Dental Association, American Journal of Dentistry, Dental Materials, Journal of Dentistry, Quintessence International and the Journal of Dental Education. He has served on the American Dental Association Council on Dental Research and as a consultant on dental materials to the National Board Test Construction Committee for the Joint Commission on National Dental Examinations. Dr. Barkmeier was on active duty with the United States Air Force from 1969-1978 and in the Air Force Reserve from 1978-1994. He retired from the Air Force with the rank of Brigadier General. Dr. Barkmeier is married to the former Carolyn A. Johnsen of
Beaver Crossing, Nebraska. They have three grown children: Kimberly, Jennifer and
Wayne Jr. |