Anna Catharine (Wiszmann) Barkmeier


Anna Catharine Wiszmann was born April 20, 1877. She was the daughter of Christian Henry "Henry" and Mary (Polzin) Wiszmann. Henry and Mary Wiszmann had 14 children. Two of their daughters married sons of Frederick John and Mary Catharine (Tepe) Barkmeier. Anna Catharine married George Henry Barkmeier on September 24, 1896 in Exeter, Nebraska. Clara Elizabeth Wiszmann married Frederick August Barkmeier on October 4, 1916.

Henry and Mary Wiszmann

The Wiszmann's lived on their homestead just northwest of Exeter, Nebraska. Henry Wiszmann helped build the first railroad depot in Exeter. Mary Wiszmann cooked for the workers of the Burlington  & Missouri River Railroad who were laying track. The railroad came through Exeter in 1871. Mrs. Wiszmann prepared buffalo stew every day. Many of the buffalo were killed by Kit Carson who was in the area at the time.

They Called It Exeter
Exeter Centennial Book Committee

George and Anna lived on a farm southeast of Exeter, Nebraska. The farm site was located one and a quarter miles east of the intersection on the road that continues straight east of Exeter on Highway 6 before the S-shaped curve, then one mile south and another quarter mile east on the south side of the road. 

George Henry and Anna Catharine (Wiszmann) Barkmeier at the home place. After their deaths, the farm was sold to Thomas and Dorothy Agatha (Wiszmann) Hayes in 1926. Dorothy was a younger sister of Anna Catharine.


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